11 – The Call || No Responsibility


Well, the animated version of this strip should come along pretty soon, unless you fans tell me otherwise. Would you rather see some other strip animated, like “The Offer”? How about an episode of The Zan Show? (We have a voice actor for Zan already, and of course D-san and I will play ourselves.) Or do you want to see a music video? (That will take longer, though.)

Yes, I know I was lazy today: I reused frames from last time. Well, currently, my drawing skills are kind of running awry. The mechanics of my drawings aren’t as great as D-san’s, and I’m looking to improve. And, of course, there’s the punchline issue. I have some good ones, but a by-product of making them is some bad jokes that D-san has to listen to all the time, and sometimes some of them even make their way into the comics. *gasp*

Erg. I lost the mechanical pencil I use for drawing. Whatever shall I do?


Grrr… lowest hits ever this week. I’m really not sure what to do to get more of a fanbase… Need to find some better way to internet advertise; I don’t think ‘Flyer Advertisement’ works anymore these days.

Anyways, about artwork. Today’s comic actually shows the evolution of my art in the past three or four years. Accurately. I always have to to talk about the history of my art at one point, so why not make it now. Maybe next time I will actually talk about art process. (You can see the procrastination kicking in here).

So I have been drawing since the moment I could hold a writing utensil and move it in coordinated patterns across a piece of paper. For me, this was almost a decade ago, when I was in preschool. Second year or so. How the heck do I remember this? I have no idea. But I do remember one of my preschool ‘instructors’ telling me to do something besides drawing. I’m not sure if this is true or not, but I remember it.

From here to second grade, everything is about the same. I only drew trains and the occasional automobile, but these were two dimensional, basic shapes joined together in a less than coordinated manner. I have artwork from this period, if anyone cares to see.

And then in third grade, we get THREE DIMENSIONAL basic shapes joined in a less than coordinated manner. I got to know J-San in this year, too. In second grade, we had nothing to do with each other.

AND THEN, the momentous imaginary worlds of BKS. From one of Bill Watterson’s legendary Calvin and Hobbes strips, we derived this galactic empire of sorts and drew stuff pertaining to it. It is the summer of 1998 that I started drawing people. Justin and I BOTH drew people for the first time in the first ‘Adventures of BKS’. Of course, these are two dimensional people that are made of basic shapes joined together in an uncoordinated manner, BUT it’s better than nothing.

I’ll continue this next time… Too tired to write more now.

I love how our rant is more of ‘Random thought cycles by Dsan and Jsan.

10 – The Offer || The Battery


So, finally I get to write this one. Here we go.

I save my comics (well, export them, actually) in JPEG format. D-san uses gif. I find that strange, since he scans at highest color resolution, and usually gifs have to stay with a small color palette or else they get really big. Like his, which are around 150Kb each.

My JPEGs are around 41 Kb each. Hmm…

On the other hand, this could also have to do with which programs we use to assemble our comics. D-san uses Paint Shop Pro. I use Macromedia Flash. That’s right, you heard me–Flash, the so-called “Animation” tool. Well, I can do animation with it, but I can also use its drawng tools and create things like speech bubbles with bent stems effortlessly. D-san…well, he’s taken to drawing his speech bubble outlines manually now…

Oh yeah, I put up an Error 404 page, so if you click on a broken link (like my sketches page, seeing as I have no great sketches to put on this page) you get to see my html skills at work!

Alright, that’s it for today. Good night.


I don’t have much to rant about this time through… Besides our low hits and bad grades, neither which I want to talk about. Actually, I already talked about our low hits, so yeah, whatever.

So what we get today are crappy, dumpbox quality sketches! By me! And they aren’t even relevant to NWars!

[100522: Dead Link]

Here is a picture of Zan. Zan, of course, is from Reflection, and all that stuff. You can read Reflection to find out about that stuff. In this sketch I was just showing J-San what I thought a particular pose of his should’ve been.

[100522: Dead Link]

Here is a picture of a boat and an island. I was showing my sister what a boat and an island should look like. Of course, hers didn’t look a thing like it, but hey, it makes for a nice dumpbox sketch. I had a better island that had this cool volcano on it, but the sketch was too blurred to see. Oh well. The boat’s sails are kinda screwed up.

[100522: Dead Link]

Here is a picture of a landscape thingy… and a building. Personally, I don’t think the landscape thing is all that great (There’s a road and a distance marker and a signpost, if you can’t tell, yes I suck at landscape) but I really liked the building. I even used it for one of the NWars later on. It’s really heavily based off of asian buildings, for that matter.

[100522: Dead Link]

Here is a thing of more landscape. More landscape that sucks, at least. This was a bit better, you can kinda see how I TRIED to get the river to look indented, and it didn’t really work… At least it looks like a river… maybe? The road looks like a road? Maybe?

Aww, forget it. If you want to look at some slightly better art, I put two really nice (In my opinion) sketches up.

9 – The Zan Show || Manga Analysis 2


Yes, the comic is late. I apologize for the inconvenience, and I will make it up to you readers somehow, someday. But now, on to the explanation (excuse?)…

When I first came up with today’s comic, I thought it was hilarious. But the more time I spent on it, the less I liked it. In addition, the panel format ruined a few things. In the third panel, the faint motion trails lead to Zan’s sword in his other hand, but to fit the image in to the panel that portion had to be cut off. And, after I thought about it, the joke wasn’t that great either. This has been one of the least favorite strips I have drawn thus far.

But anyway, on to how to make it up to you readers. Do you want me to animate this or another N-wars? Do you want me to write parody songs? Or do you want me to make a music video? Let me know by email, or post in the forums: I read them, I just don’t post in them.


Common cold. That’s what I have. Last night, I had this itching in the back of my throat, and this morning I woke up with a headache. Took my temperature about five minutes later and what a surprise, 100.1. Farenheit, that is.

And thus, I went to school after taking some Advil. I stayed until lunch, after which I went home and took a nap. Now I’m typing out this rant, so the site isn’t so… blargh’ed. You know, this really has been a rough week.

8 – Funky Anime Part 1 || Manga Analysis 2

No rant for this comic.


And so, on the top of the flier, in pt ten ‘Wild Words’ font, it sayeth ‘Nonsense-Wars Presents: Mass Advertisement No1!’

So the other day, when I was noticing that our hits/visits/unique visits/whatever was not increasing throughout the month, I figured we’d have to come up with some advertising scheme, and by that, I mean, the Nonsense-Wars Mass Advertisement flier number one.

What it is is this odd comic, without any punchline made of discarded and/or used frames that just says ‘Nonsense Wars is some webcomic done by some stupid people. Visit us at Nonsense-Wars.com’. And then I got people from three schools to hand them out to people, and I posted Nonsense-Wars posters at my school. Thus, hopefully, this will increase the traffic.

PLUS, if anyone is dedicated enough to the site, the flyer is here. I’m sure some of you want to print out hundreds of copies and just give them out to random people. I know Mike is going to at the next debate he goes to.

Damn, this is a SHORT rant. Oh well. Keep visiting the site, people, and tell your friends!

7 – I Win! I Win! || 1 Word, 5 Words, and an Action


Okay, to make up for the really depressing rant I wrote last time, I’m going to write something really stupid today!

So anyway, today’s comic was drawn before the Swiss-Army-knife Part 2 comic. Hence, it looks bad. This had to be done because I started using this new technique with inking and other stuff to make it look better. So, here we are. Inked. But this was just an explanation. Now, on to the REALLY stupid stuff.

D-san’s rant has some typos in it. I figyoor he waas justr careles when he was typing, sihnce he usualy tipes pretty wel. At times his grammar has not to be well either, but I forgives him for that. After all, this is a website, not an English course.

Yes, D-san and I “hate” each other. Maybe that’s why when we’re put together, our intelligence decreases.

D-san says to talk in the forum. If you want to talk to me, it’s probably a better idea to email me instead. I don’t have hours to spend browsing the forums.

Alrighty, I’m going to call it quits for today.


Whereas Gallagher gets hordes of fanmail, we get nothing. That’s expected, I guess.

But what isn’t is the fact that nobody ever leaves any sort of feedback whatsoever. I mean, I know people are lazy, I myself am one of those people, but seriously, we don’t even get ONE non-Militate member (Meaning they weren’t there before we got our section) to post on the boards. In fact, not even regular Militate members post there. Not even HATEMAIL for crying out loud. Even Justin got hatemail on his CRN shoutbox!

Why does it count? Why do I care so much? Well, without feedback it’s kinda hard to improve on anything. I mean, Justin just waves me off on an irrelevant tangent whenever I ask him, and I just wave him off on an irrelevant tangent when he asks me, so that doesn’t help. Plus we hate each other in the first place, so we don’t get unbiased comments. So thus, outside critquing, especially from people I don’t know really does help. I mean, if N-Wars sucks at send me a freaking Email saying N-Wars sucks. Heck, that would make my day. It doesn’t even need to be Email, it can be a thread on the Forum!

About the forum, for that matter, nobody ever comments on my own comments about the strip. Please, people, as I said before, it is very hard to improve without feedback. I’m certain that there are better artists visiting the site, and better comedians as well for that matter. Just post a ‘You suck’ even, though construction critisism is far better.

So now comes the real test of the past three weeks work. I’m pretty sure that it’s going to prove how unvisited this site actually is, BUT, WHOEVER READS THIS RANT EMAIL ME, or AIM me, or whatever. (In fact it would be nice if you IM’ed everyone on your buddy list about the site, but yeah, like that’ll happen).

Alright, that’s the end of my uncoordinated thought of the day, goodbye folks.